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Touré Kunda: Literature & Sheet Music


Primary Subject | Multiple Subjects

Primary Subject

"Présence portugaise..." article (PDF)

Raphaël Lambal & Doudou Dièye Gueye: "Présence portugaise dans le répertoire du groupe musical Touré Kunda" (2019)

Article, 14 pages, PDF / Canada

Description: Journal article in French by two professors of Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor in Senegal, originally published in a special edition of journal Les Cahiers du CREILAC. CREILAC is an acronym for "Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les langues, les littératures, les arts et les cultures". The PDF also includes article "La présence portugaise à Ziguinchor dans son contexte historique casamançais" by Mamadou Mané, with related historical context.

ResearchGate - Article (2019) (French)


"É'mma" lyric sheet (PDF)

Touré Kunda: "É'mma" lyric sheet (2013)

Lyric sheet, 1 page, PDF / France

Description: Lyric sheet in Soninke for Touré Kunda's signature song "É'mma", which was recorded for albums Mandinka Dong (1979), É'mma Africa (1980), Live Paris-Ziguinchor (1984), Sounké - En Concert (1991), Légende (1999), and Lambi Golo (2018), vinyl 7" and 12" singles (1985), and various artists album Stars Of Afro-Pop (2001).

Touré Kunda official website (no longer exists)


(No image available)

Touré Kunda: Sheet music for songs from Salam (1990)

"Sarana": Sheet music song, 5 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3214 / France
"Djambar": Sheet music song, 3 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3215 / France
"Wayo O": Sheet music song, 4 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3216 / France
"Diabindor": Sheet music song, 5 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3217 / France
"Guerrilla": Sheet music song, 5 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3218 / France
"Dom": Sheet music song, 4 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3220 / France
"Salam": Sheet music song, 5 pages, 22.0 cm x 27.9 cm / EMI Songs France SARL / ES 3221 / France

Description: Sheet music for songs from the album Salam, in French.


Cover image

Frank Tenaille: Touré Kunda (1987-06)

Book, 162 pages, 14.1 cm x 16.7 cm / Seghers / ISBN 2.232.10089-8 / France

Description: Biography in French with photos and some lyrics. Produced under the direction of Daniel Radford and Fred Hidalgo.

Fred Hidalgo was publication director for French music magazine Paroles Et Musique (1980 to 1990), and the books in this series could be ordered through the magazine. Other volumes in the series included Renaud, Sardou, Cabrel, Gainsbourg, Balavoine, Souchon, Coluche, Couture, Higelin, Kassav', and Bashung.


Cover image
Sheet music book

Touré Kunda: Natalia (1986)

Sheet music book, 47 pages, 22.0 cm x 28.0 cm / CBS Songs / France

Description: Music and lyrics for all songs from the album Natalia with 3 photos.

  • Touré Kunda
  • Natalia
  • M'Barring
  • Santhiaba Silo
  • Nidiaye
  • Fode
  • Duunya
  • Babacady


Cover image

Nathalie Steinberg and Elisabeth Desouches: Touré Kunda (1985-10)

Book, 93 pages, 20.1 cm x 28.0 cm / Encre / ISBN 2-86418-268-8 / France

Description: Biography in French with photos.

Multiple Subjects

Cover image

Frank Tenaille: Le Swing Du Caméléon (2000-05)

Book, 324 pages, 11.5 cm x 21.7 cm / Actes Sud / ISBN 2-7427-2643-8 / France

Description: African music and songs from 1950 to 2000, in French. Includes chapter "Les Touré Kunda et la "Danse des Feuilles"" on pages 135-143 about Touré Kunda. Material overlaps Frank Tenaille’s earlier biographical book Touré Kunda (1987-06).



Photo: Christian Coigny

Vicki Goldberg: Sittings (2000)

Book, 96 pages, 24.1 cm x 30.5 cm / Prestel / ISBN 3-7913-2482-9 / Germany

Description: Book in English of photos taken by Christian Coigny as part of a marketing series from 1987 to 1997 of 123 personalities sitting on Vitra furniture. Includes photo of Sixu Tidiane Touré and Ismaïla Touré, undated, likely 1992 to 1997. Image included here by kind permission of Christian Coigny (2024-02).

Photo original file name: "toure-kunda_musicians_59.jpg" (Retrieved 2024-02-02).

Photo source:
Christian Coigny - Vitra Personalities


Cover image

Emois magazine number 12 (1988-06)

Magazine, 112 pages, 23.1 cm x 29.5 cm / Switzerland

Description: Monthly magazine in French, with cover photo of Ousmane Touré by Pierre René-Worms. Includes article “Mamadou M’a Dit” by Laurence Mermoud on pages 45-47, with photos, about Mamadou Konté, founder of Africa Fête, for the tenth anniversary of the festival. Mamadou Konté helped to launch the careers of many African artists, including Touré Kunda.



Hélène Lee: Rockers D'Afrique (1988-01)

Book, 226 pages, 14.5 cm x 22.4 cm / Albin Michel / ISBN 2-226-03139-1 / France
Book, 226 pages, 14.0 cm x 21.7 cm / Albin Michel / ISBN 978-2-226-25447-4 / France

Description: Book in French about development of African rock oriented music. Cover photo by Pierre René-Worms features Ousmane Touré of Touré Kunda. Original edition has glossy photo pages while later edition has smaller dimensions and plain paper photo pages. Includes a brief description of Esperanza Jazz ("Esperancia Jazz"), with recollections by Sixu Tidiane Touré, on pages 139-140:
  • French:
    Ziguinchor, chef-lieu de la Casamance, a bien sûr son groupe de variétés. L'Espérancia Jazz joue Adamo et Moustaki, l'afro-cubain et la soul. « On jouait pour toutes sortes de gens, en plein air ou dans les lycées. Avec des bâches et un podium, une piste de danse... Comme maintenant, mais en plus petit ! » (Sixu Touré.) Amadou Touré, le chef du groupe, est fils d'une famille de cordonniers. Ce sont des gens de caste, aussi chez eux la carrière de musicien n'est-elle pas aussi dépréciée. Mais ce ne sont pas des griots. Ils font plutôt office de tambours-majors des vieux villages de France. « Quand il y a une naissance ou un mariage, on dit : allez chercher le vieux Touré ! Et c'est lui que l'on charge d'annoncer à tous le lieu et la date de la fête. Toutes les informations commençaient par lui, dans le milieu soninké, chez les voisins aussi. Et pour tous les baptêmes et les mariages, c'étaient nos mamans qui faisaient la cuisine. Pour la musique, ce sont les griots qui viennent animer. Mon père chante, mais c'est seulement quand il fait de la cordonnerie ! » (S. Touré.)
    Dans le répertoire de l'Espérancia Jazz, quelques berceuses folk en arrangements modernes, quelques titres de reggae, et surtout la variété américaine, européenne. La Casamance est un lieu d'échanges: Sierra Leone d'un côté, Gambie de l'autre, elle est l'extrême pointe de l'Empire mandingue. Les Soninkés, dont fait partie la famille Touré, sont une ethnie du groupe mandingue. Tout prédestine le groupe au rôle d'intégrateur qu'il va jouer. Mais pour le moment, la mode n'est pas à la recherche. Lorsque Ismael, le frère d'Amadou, part pour la France en 1975, la musique sénégalaise est tout juste en train de se réveiller...

  • English translation via Gootle Translate, modified:
    Ziguinchor, capital of Casamance, of course has its variety group. Esperancia Jazz plays Adamo and Moustaki, Afro-Cuban and soul. "We played for all kinds of people, outdoors or in high schools. With tarpaulins and a podium, a dance floor... Like now, but smaller!” (Sixu Touré.)
    Amadou Touré, the leader of the group, is the son of a family of shoemakers. They are caste people, so among them the musical career is not as depreciated. But they are not griots. Rather, they act as drum majors of the old villages of France. “When there is a birth or a marriage, we say: go get old Touré! And it is he who is responsible for announcing to everyone the place and date of the party. All the information started with him, in the Soninké community, among the neighbors too. And for all the baptisms and weddings, it was our mothers who did the cooking. For the music, it is the griots who come to entertain. My father sings, but it's only when he does shoemaking!” (S. Touré.)
    In the Esperancia Jazz repertoire, a few folk lullabies in modern arrangements, a few reggae titles, and especially the American and European variety. Casamance is a place of trade: Sierra Leone on one side, Gambia on the other, it is the extreme tip of the Mandinka Empire. The Soninkés, of which the Touré family is a part, are an ethnic group of the Mandingo group. Everything predestines the group to the integrative role it will play. But at the moment, fashion is not looking. When Ismael, Amadou's brother, left for France in 1975, Senegalese music was just waking up...


Cover image

Ronnie Graham: The Da Capo Guide To Contemporary African Music (1988)

Book, 330 pages, 13.7 cm x 21.6 cm / ISBN 0-306-80325-9 / US

Description: Book in English about African music artists, organized by country. Includes a segment about Touré Kunda on pages 147-148.


Cover image

Tele Poche magazine number 1104 (1987-04-06)

Magazine, 198 pages, 13.7 cm x 21.0 cm / France

Description: Weekly television magazine in French. Includes article "Touré Kunda: Une Famille de Stars Ambassadeurs" on pages 8-9, with 2 photos, about Touré Kunda.


Cover image

Nouvelles Du Sud number 3 (1986 February-March-April)

Book, 190 pages, 16.2 cm x 24.1 cm / Éditions Silex / ISBN 2-903871-67-1 / France

Description: Quarterly cultural periodical in French and in book form, featuring articles and interviews about cultures of global south countries. Includes Touré Kunda in uncredited cover photos and article "Toure Kunda" by Mireille Happi on pages 182-185 about the group. A group portrait photo with the article is copied from the book Touré Kunda (1985-10) by Nathalie Steinberg and Elisabeth Desouches.


Cover image

Spin magazine volume 1 number 3 (1985-07)

Magazine, 76 pages, 26.7 cm x 31.8 cm (10.5" x 12.5") / ISSN 0886-3032 / US

Description: Monthly music magazine in English. Includes article "Toure Kunda" by Greg Tate on pages 52-54, with photos, about the group’s shows at Sounds of Brazil in New York City in April 1985, including an interview.

Internet Archive - Spin Magazine #03 (July 1985)


Cover image

Spin magazine volume 1 number 2 (1985-06)

Magazine, 76 pages, 26.7 cm x 31.8 cm (10.5" x 12.5") / ISSN 0886-3032 / US

Description: Monthly music magazine in English. Includes a review of Touré Kunda album Amadou Tilo by Roger Steffens on pages 30-31, with some history of the group and a note about the US tour.

Internet Archive - Spin Magazine #02 (June 1985)


Cover image

Guitare & Claviers magazine number 51 (1985-04)

Magazine, 116 pages, 20.7 cm x 28.1 cm / France

Description: Monthly music magazine in French. Includes article "Une Défonce D'Éléphants - Touré Kunda" by Rémy Kolpa Kopoul on pages 67-69 and 105, with 3 photos, about Touré Kunda and the group’s history through newly released album Natalia. Rémy Kolpa Kopoul was previously involved with the Touré Kunda documentary film La Famille Elephants (1984) from the tour in Africa of late 1983 to early 1984.


Cover image

Rock & Folk magazine number 217 (1985-03)

Magazine, 132 pages, 21.2 cm x 27.0 cm / ISSN 0048-8445 / France

Description: Monthly music magazine in French. Includes article "Tournée Kunda" by Alain Gardinier on pages 44-45, with 1 photo, about Touré Kunda’s newly released album Natalia and current worldwide tour.


Cover image

Paroles Et Musique magazine number 48 (1985-03)

Magazine, 58 pages, 21.0 cm x 29.1 cm / ISSN 0247-0357 / France

Description: Monthly music magazine in French. Includes article "Toure Kunda – La longue transhumance de la famille éléphant" by Frank Tenaille on pages 5-8, with photos, about Touré Kunda and the group’s history through newly released album Natalia.


Cover image

Chanson magazine number 15 (1985-03)

Magazine, 64 pages, 21.6 cm x 29.7 cm / France

Description: Monthly music magazine in French. Includes article "Fenetre Sur - L'Afrique - Toure Kunda" by François Bensignor on pages 48-49, with 2 photos, about Touré Kunda and the group’s history through newly released album Natalia. Photos are similar to but different from photos that later appeared in Nathalie Steinberg and Elisabeth Desouches book Touré Kunda (1985-10), pages 59 and 89, and Frank Tenaille book Touré Kunda (1987-06), pages 9 and 64-65.


Cover image

Best magazine number 200 (1985-03)

Magazine, 96 pages, 21.2 cm x 29.7 cm / ISSN 0223-2979 / France

Description: Monthly music magazine in French. Includes article "Ambassadeurs Extraordinaires" by Jean-Eric Perrin on pages 53-55, with 2 photos, about Touré Kunda's music, newly released album Natalia, and imminent tour. First photo is similar to but different from photo that later appeared on the cover of Frank Tenaille book Touré Kunda (1987-06).


Cover image

Billy Bergman: Goodtime Kings - Emerging African Pop (1985)

Book, 144 pages, 17.8 cm x 25.4 cm (7" x 10") / ISBN 0-688-02192-1 / US

Description: Book in English about emerging African popular music artists. Includes a segment about Touré Kunda on pages 102-107 and references elsewhere, with 1 photo, including recollections by Ismaïla Touré and one other Touré brother.


Cover image

Télérama magazine number 1789 (1984-04-28 to 1984-05-04)

Magazine, 138 pages, 20.0 cm x 28.1 cm / ISSN 0040-2699 / France

Description: Weekly television magazine in French. Includes article "La Famille Elephant" by Philippe Barbot on pages 12-13 about Touré Kunda, with photos, and program listing on pages 51 and 101 for first broadcast on TF1 of the film La Famille Elephants about the tour in Africa from December 1983 to January 1984.


Cover image

Waraango magazine number 6 (1984 first quarter)

Magazine, 36 pages, 22.0 cm x 29.9 cm / ISSN 0850-2102 / Senegal

Description: Quarterly cultural magazine in French and based in Dakar. Includes article "Toure Kunda Apothéose" by Roger Bona Coly on pages 5-7, with photos, about Touré Kunda’s tour in Africa from December 1983 to January 1984 and specifically the show in Dakar on 1984-01-04. Also includes reviews on page 35 of albums Amadou Tilo by Roger Bona Coly and Casamance Au Clair De Lune by Alain J. Coly.


Cover image

Tele Poche magazine number 909 (1983-07-13)

Magazine, 168 pages, 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm / France

Description: Weekly television magazine in French. Includes article "Toure Kunda" on page 4, with 1 photo, about Touré Kunda and newly released album Amadou Tilo. Photo appears to be mirror image of same photo that later appeared in Nathalie Steinberg and Elisabeth Desouches book Touré Kunda (1985-10), pages 94-95.


Site created December 1998. Page last updated July 2024.
Copyright © 1998-2025 by Stephen Smith. All rights reserved.
